
Welcome to our world cycling blog. Here you will read about the adventures of a Dutch/German couple quitting their jobs to cycle from Europe to Asia. We would love to hear from our friends, family and everyone who would like to get or stay in touch with us. Don’t be shy and share your thoughts! If you don’t want to leave a public reply but want to get in touch with us you can send an email to baerbel.bussenius@gmx.de.

Baerbel (45), a sportswoman with a special love for bike touring. She left her corporate communications job to travel the world by bike together with her partner Johan. She is passionate about all endurance sports, preferably cycling and running, cooking, eating, sweats, cakes and loves to read and her iPad. She is always worried about not having enough food or water while touring. Main responsibilities during the trip are cooking, food shopping and writing for the blog.

Mr. Coolio with his fake Ray Ban sunglasses, bought in Vietnam

Mr. Coolio with his fake Ray Ban sunglasses, bought in Vietnam

Johan (49), sportsman with the same special love for bike touring and capable of cycling 3,200 km with a torn meniscus. He left his corporate sales job for exactly the same reasons as Baerbel and is passionate about speed skating, cycling and running. During the trip Johan is responsible for filming and photographing, taking care of the bikes including cleaning and repairing.

34 thoughts on “About

  1. I like your FAQ! May I ask to include the following question to part 2 – INCLUDING legal approval 😉
    “Does the Money Back Guarantee apply if

    a) you don’t like the trip or
    b) Johan prefers to spend the rest of his life in Empfingen?

    Thank you :-),

  2. Hoi Johan en Baerbel.
    Wij wensen jullie een hele mooie reis toe. Veel succes met alles.
    We gaan jullie volgen!!!
    Wordt een spannende dag 1 september, we duimen voor mooi weer om te starten.
    Groetjes Henk en Elly Zwartendijk ( auto)

  3. Watch out for saddle sore bottoms!!. I wish you both bon voyage and hope that you find what you’re looking for!! I cannot believe that FedEx will lose you both to the road. Johan…It was a pleasure working with you and I will keep the treasured memories close in my heart…

  4. Dear Baerbel and Johann,
    I would like to take the opportunity to wish you lots of fun and luck for your challenging adventure ride towards Asia. It sounds really like an interesting adventure.

    Hafe fun, take care!
    Chris from Vienna

  5. Hi Johan, allemachtig wat een plan… das ff doortrappen lijkt me. bonne voyage en ik volg met belangstelling jullie reis! bis bald

  6. So, you’ve left. I am (im)patiently waiting to see the first day’s travel blog!!! Please post soon. Hugs from Brussels.

  7. Hey again, I nominated you for another award. This time it’s the Liebster Blog Award. I’ve left 5 questions in my post for you to answer.



  8. Pingback: Reality Blog Award and Sunshine Blog Award « Adventures in Wonderland

  9. Hi you guys
    I think you probably don’t have time to respond to it, and that’s ok, but I’ve nominated you for the Reality Blog Award, and the Sunshine Blog Award because I love reading about your travels! Happy New Year!

  10. Dear Baerbel and Johan, I’m happy that we met in Kampong Cham, Cambodja. You are two very nice people. I wish you a nice and safe trip to New Zealand. Hopefully we’ll meet again.

    • Same here. Have a safe trip, the route along the Eastside of the Mekong is phantastic and the last 30km you ride on a tarmac road. Don’t let you put off by a little dust at the beginning which is difficult to navigate through. It will get much better later on. See you in Laos, hopefully!

  11. Hi, Best of luck to you. I turned 50 this year and am so envious and maybe one day soon Id love to do what you are doing. I was in a small town called Weatherby, North Yorkshire today and met two young Thai men who had set off last Monday to cycle to Bangkok. Say Hi to them if you cross paths. Regards Nazir from Blackburn UK

    • Hi,

      Your my heroes. I wish I could do half of what you have. Im 51 years old and slowly building my fitness. I would be really appreciative if you could advise me on what is/are the best bike to do long distances on.

      Which ones are you using and what cost for bike?

      Many thanks and all the best from a cold and wet Blackburn, Lancashire, UK


      Date: Wed, 13 Aug 2014 15:30:46 +0000 To: roversblackburn@hotmail.com

      • Everybody can do this, it is easier than you think. We are cycling on Idworx Bikes, they are fantastic, the best touring bikes there are. They are pretty expensive though, about 4000 EUR. But we never had any troubles with them.

  12. Hello, I was wondering if you can help me. We are about to land in Singapore to start a cycle tour through peninsular Malaysia to Thailand. Did you use a tent in Malaysia or were there enough guest houses on your route? Thanks a lot. Katie 🙂

    • We used a tent only twice, and a third time at a filthy guestjouse. You should be able to get along without, but that also depemds on The Route You take. Enjoy and stay Safe, traffic is tough. Bärbel

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